Zunyi, 1935

What was the Zunyi Conference?
The Zunyi Conference was an important meeting between the leaders of the CCP during the Long March.
Where was the Zunyi Conference held?
The conference was held in the town of Zunyi, in South West China.
When was the Zunyi Conference held?
The Zunyi Conference took place from the 15th to 17th January, 1935.
Who attended the Zunyi Conference?
The conference was attended by key leaders of the CCP and the Red Army. This included the following 5 people:
  • Mao Zedong, who was only one of several military commanders in the Red Army.
  • Bo Gu, who was the leading communist in the CCP and in overall command.
  • Zhu De, who was the overall commander of the Red Army.
  • Otto Braun, a German communist, who had been sent by the Soviet Union to advise Bo and Zhu on military tactics.
  • Zhou Enlai, who was second-in-command of the Red Army.
Why was the Zunyi Conference held?
After escaping the Jiangxi Soviet, the CCP fought at the Battle of Xiang River. There are 2 key reasons the Zunyi Conference would be held after this battle.
  • The Red Army had nearly been wiped out at the Battle of Xiang River, after escaping from Jiangxi. In two days of fighting the Red Army lost 40,000 men. At the end of the battle, there were only 35,000 soldiers left.
  • The commanders of the Red Army and the CCP had attacked GMD fortifications head on, based on the advice of Otto Braun, and had suffered terrible casualties.
What signs of tension were there at the Zunyi Conference?
The Zunyi Conference was very tense for 2 key reasons:
  • Mao Zedong used the conference to attack the leadership of Bo Gu and his adviser Otto Braun, who he blamed for the near-destruction of the CCP at the Battle of Xiang River.
  • Bo Gu would not accept any responsibility and supported Otto Braun's advice to fight the GMD in face-to-face battles.
Why was the Zunyi Conference important?
The Zunyi Conference was important for 5 key reasons:
  • It became the meeting in which Mao Zedong openly engaged in a power struggle for control of the CCP.
  • Mao used the meeting to attack his rivals and make himself the obvious choice to take over as leader of the CCP.
  • Bo Gu would not admit to any failure and defended his own leadership.
  • Zhou Enlai admitted the Red Army had been mistaken in its tactics.
  • Mao Zedong argued the leadership should be changed and the Red Army should fight a guerrilla war against the GMD.
What decisions were taken at the Zunyi Conference?
There were 5 key decisions at the Zunyi Conference:
  • Mao Zedong was elected as the new leader of the CCP and overall military commander.
  • Mao made it clear he would avoid head-to-head battles with the larger GMD forces.
  • Zhou Enlai, second-in-command of the Red Army, was loyal to Mao and promoted to lead the force.
  • Bo Gu was demoted and lost power to Mao Zedong.
  • Otto Braun was demoted and would never again be allowed to advise the Red Army.
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