Storming the Winter Palace, October 1917

What was the Storming of the Winter Palace?
Members of the Red Guard and Kronstadt sailors stormed the Winter Palace. The tsars had ruled from there for centuries, and the Provisional Government also ruled from the palace.
When was the Winter Palace stormed?
It took place on 25th-26th October, 1917, using the old calendar, or on 8th-9th November, 1917, using the new one.
What did the ship Aurora do to the Winter Palace?
Aurora, a cruiser harboured nearby, fired blank shots to signal the start of the attack.
What was the aftermath of the Storming of the Winter Palace?
Some members of the Provisional Government were arrested when the palace was stormed, although Alexander Kerensky escaped and fled. The Bolsheviks claimed they were now in power.
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