Welfare State

What was the purpose of the Welfare State?
After the Second World War, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee and his Labour government set up the welfare state to provide care for everyone, 'from the cradle to the grave'.
How did the Second World War contribute to the creation of the Welfare State?
The Second World War helped to bring about the creation of the Welfare State in 3 key ways.
  • The war forced Britain to deal with large numbers of injuries.
  • The war expanded the role of the government in health, with the Emergency Medical Service.
  • People were shocked at the state of the hygiene and health of some of the evacuees.
What new measures did the Labour government introduce under the Welfare State?
The Labour government introduced 3 main reforms after 1945 that affected health.
  • The New Towns Act of 1946 was introduced, to plan new towns.
  • The National Insurance Act of 1946 provided better unemployment and sick pay, maternity benefits, and improved old age pensions.
  • The National Health Service was launched in 1948, which provided free healthcare at the point of delivery and was paid for by taxes.
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