Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 1964

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred when three North Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the USS Maddox, an American warship.
When was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident happened on 2nd August, 1964.
Where did the Gulf of Tonkin Incident happen?
It happened in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the east coast of North Vietnam.
Why did the Gulf of Tonkin Incident happen?
Under Operation Plan 34A, South Vietnamese mercenaries were sent into the north. They were supported by US destroyer naval ships positioned in the Gulf of Tonkin, which were North Vietnamese waters. Ho Chi Minh was unhappy about this and launched the attack.
What were the key events in the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?
There were a number of key events in the Gulf of Tonkin Incident:
  • The USS Maddox was sent to support the South Vietnamese mercenaries.
  • On 2nd August, 1964, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats travelled towards the Maddox.
  • The Maddox fired at the torpedo boats, which fired back. One torpedo hit but didn't explode.
  • The US jets sank one torpedo ship and damaged the other two.
  • On 4th August there was confusion over further attacks from North Vietnam. However, it was a false alarm; none had taken place.
  • Despite the false alarm, Johnson sanctioned an attack on North Vietnam.
What was the second Gulf of Tonkin incident?
The second incident was an alleged attack on US warships in North Vietnamese seas. It never took place, but was reported as having taken place by the US government.
What happened after the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
President Johnson ordered air strikes against North Vietnam.
What was President Johnson's response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
President Johnson ordered a US air strike on targets in North Vietnam. Two US planes were shot down, which was the final move that allowed full American intervention in the Vietnam War.
What were the consequences of the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
As a result of the incident, Johnson looked to scale up the USA's involvement in Vietnam. However, he first needed powers to do so, so he asked the US government to pass legislation called the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
On 7th August, 1964, the US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This gave President Johnson permission to send troops to Vietnam and initiate further attacks on North Vietnam, without gaining permission from Congress or formally declaring war.
How did the Vietcong react to the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
From November 1964, North Vietnam increased the number of troops and supplies going to South Vietnam. The Vietcong mounted a successful attack on the US airfield at Pleiku, and won the Battle of Binh Gia.
What actions did the USA take after the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
America sent troops to help the South Vietnam government retain power.
What was the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident was significant because it provided the opportunity for the USA to escalate its response in Vietnam. Some historians believe it was just an excuse, and the attacks never happened.
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