The Throckmorton Plot

What was the Throckmorton Plot?
The Throckmorton Plot of 1583 was led by Sir Francis Throckmorton and aimed to replace Elizabeth with Mary, Queen of Scots. The plotters planned the death of Elizabeth, followed by a French Catholic invasion and an uprising of English Catholics.
Who was involved in the Throckmorton Plot?
The plot involved:
  • Francis Throckmorton.
  • Bernardino de Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador to England.
  • The French ambassador.
  • Mary, Queen of Scots.
What was the outcome of the Throckmorton Plot?
One of the queen's spies in the French embassy revealed Throckmorton's plot. Throckmorton had conspired with the French and Spanish ambassadors and was executed.
What were the consequences of the Throckmorton Plot?
The Bond of Association was created. This was a document that committed to hunting down and executing anyone trying to overthrow or kill the queen. All English nobles and everyone in the royal court had to sign it.
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