The Jameson Raid

What was the Jameson Raid?
The Jameson Raid was a raid against the Boer-controlled South African Republic by the British.
When was the Jameson Raid?
The Jameson Raid took place from December 1895 to January 1896.
Who took part in the Jameson Raid?
The Raid was led by Cecil Rhodes' lieutenant and confidant, Dr Jameson.
Why did the Jameson Raid happen?
The Jameson Raid was an attempt to overthrow the Boer Republic, and establish a pro-British government in its place.
  • Gold had been discovered in the Boer Republic, and the British wished to exploit the mines.
  • However, the Boers were focused on farming. They taxed the gold industry, and treated the British miners (uitlanders) badly, withholding citizenship rights.
  • As a result, Cecil Rhodes wished to gain control over the gold mining business. The raid was supposed to trigger an uprising by the uitlanders to overthrow the Boer government.
What was the significance of the Jameson Raid?
There were five main reasons why the Jameson Raid was significant.
  • The raid was ineffective and no uprising took place.
  • The British government was left embarrassed.
  • It strengthened Boer dominance of the Transvaal and its gold mines.
  • Rhodes was forced to resign as the prime minister of the Cape Colony.
  • It eventually led to the Boer War.
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