
What was the role of tanks in the First World War?
Tanks were used to cross difficult ground, destroy machine guns, provide cover for advancing infantry and crush barbed wire in front of enemy trenches. They allowed for quick advancement through the enemy trenches and beyond.
What were tanks like in 1914?
Tanks were used for the first time by the British at the Battle of the Somme in 1916. They moved at walking pace, were not very manoeuvrable and were extremely unreliable - more than half broke down before they got to the German trenches. The Germans did not use tanks until 1918.
How did tanks improve during the war?
In November 1917 at Cambrai over 400 tanks were used and achieved great success. Unfortunately, they blasted through enemy lines so quickly that the infantry could not keep up.
What impact did tanks have?
Tanks were a key weapon in helping to break the stalemate. They were effective when used in great numbers, something that was only possible in the last year of the war.
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