
How was Elizabethan society structured?
Society was extremely hierarchical, and was classified in medieval Christianity's Great Chain of Being, making it difficult to move social groups. Its structure differed between the countryside and the towns.
What was Elizabethan society like in the countryside?
90% of the population lived in the countryside. Society was structured so:
  • At the top of the social structure was the monarch.
  • Below the monarch was the nobility.
  • Then it was the gentry.
  • Then it was the yeomen, who were the lesser gentry.
  • Below them were the tenant farmers, who rented their land from the yeomen or the gentry.
  • Then it was the labouring poor, who owned no land.
  • At the bottom of the structure were the homeless and vagabonds.
What was Elizabethan society like in the towns?
10% of the population lived in towns, where the hierarchy was based on how wealthy you were. The structure was as follows:
  • The monarch and nobility were at the top of the social structure.
  • They were followed by the merchants and professionals.
  • Business owners and craftsmen were beneath them.
  • Then it was the labourers.
  • At the bottom were the homeless and the unemployed.
Who were the nobility in Elizabethan society?
The nobility were the most respected members of society and they sometime held titles such as duke, earl and baron. On average they earned £6,000 a year and were usually born into the position.
Who were the gentry in Elizabethan society?
The gentry earned between £10 to £200 a year. They had significant influence and power as some held positions as justices of the peace or served in Parliament. The numbers of gentry grew during Elizabeth's reign, as did their power.
Why was fashion important in Elizabethan society?
Fashion was incredibly important. Women of the elite often paired fine clothes with whitened faces, to show they didn't have to work outside. A key element of fashion was the elaborate ruff worn around the neck.
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