The Sovnarkom

What was the Sovnarkom?
The Sovnarkom was the Council of People's Commissars, also known as the SVK. It was established after the October Revolution and focused on creating the USSR. It was the cabinet of the communist government made up of 13 to 20 People's Commissars. It issued the Bolsheviks decrees.
Who was the leader of the Sovnarkom?
Lenin was the first chairman of the Sovnarkom.
When was the Sovnarkom formed?
The first Sovnarkom was created after the 1917 October Revolution. When the Soviet Union was established, the Sovnarkom evolved to become its greatest executive or law-making authority.
How were the members of the Sovnarkom selected?
The members of the Sovnarkom were elected by the Central Executive Committee, which oversaw the work of the government. In reality, it consisted of the Communist Party's most powerful leaders from its central committee. In other words, the Sovnarkom was controlled by the Communist Party.
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