South Africa in the British Empire

What was South Africa in the British Empire?
South Africa was seen as an ideal location on the map to have a port. Its location was a prime spot to have access and even control the trade routes from India. It was also a place where goods like diamonds and gold could be obtained.
Why was South Africa brought into the British Empire?
There were two main reasons why the British were interested in South Africa.
  • One of the major trade routes to India was around the southern tip of Africa. Controlling this area was strategically important.
  • Gold and diamonds were discovered in the 1860s to 1880s. South Africa presented an opportunity for great wealth.
When was South Africa brought into the British Empire?
A British colony was established in 1806 in what is now South Africa. Britain gained the Cape of Good Hope from the Dutch in 1814. By 1900, Britain controlled all of South Africa.
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