
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?
Sir Walter Raleigh was very loyal to Queen Elizabeth I. He became a favourite of the queen after fighting Catholic rebels and exploring parts of North and South America.
What did Walter Raleigh do in the New World?
In 1584, Raleigh had permission to explore and colonise any land not already ruled by a Christian. As a result a colony was established at Roanoke, in what is now North Carolina in the United States. The initial colony failed and the starving colonists returned to England.
What happened to the colony Sir Walter Raleigh set up?
After the first failed attempt, a second colony was established at Roanoke in 1587 but it couldn't produce enough food and faced hostility from a local tribe. On his return from a trip to England, the colony leader found everyone had disappeared with no trace of them left behind.
What happened to Sir Walter Raleigh?
Raleigh remained a favourite at court. However, in 1592, when Elizabeth discovered he had married one of her ladies-in-waiting without asking for royal assent, Raleigh was banished from court and even briefly imprisoned.
When did Walter Raleigh live?
Walter Raleigh was born in 1554, and died in 1618.
What were the key events of Walter Raleigh's life?
There were several key events in Walter Raleigh's life.
  • Raleigh fought for the Protestant Huguenots in France, during the French Wars of Religion, when he was only 15 years old.
  • He also fought against the Catholics in Ireland when they rebelled against Elizabeth I. He was given land there as a reward.
  • In 1584, Raleigh gained the queen's permission to establish England's first colony in America. The colony, known as Roanoke, was a failure.
  • Raleigh explored Guiana in 1595, searching for 'El Dorado' - a legendary city of gold. He wrote a book about his travels on his return to England.
What was Walter Raleigh's significance?
Walter Raleigh was a significant figure for several reasons:
  • Although it was a failure, Roanoke was the first English colony in America. Raleigh inspired all those who followed him to establish subsequent colonies.
  • Raleigh's book on his travels to Guiana inspired others to explore the world, leading to settlement and the eventual growth of the British Empire.
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