Royal Society
What is the Royal Society?
The Royal Society was an English institution the purpose of which was to promote and support scientific research. Its members were a group of influential scientists, and it was created with the approval of King Charles II.
When was the Royal Society created?
The Royal Society was created in November 1660, and still exists today.
What was the purpose of the Royal Society?
The purpose of the Royal Society was to promote scientific understanding by sharing knowledge.
How did the Royal Society spread its ideas?
The Royal Society published a journal called 'Philosophical Transactions'. It contained experiments and research from scientists. The work was written in English rather than Latin, so that more people could understand it. The journal is still in publication today.
What was the motto of the Royal Society?
The motto of the Royal Society was 'Nullius in verba', which means 'Take nobody's word for it'.
Was the Royal Society credible?
People took notice of the Royal Society because King Charles II gave it a Royal Charter in 1662. Having the king's support gave it credibility.