The Ridolfi Plot

What was the Ridolfi plot?
In 1571, an Italian called Ridolfi planned a rebellion against Elizabeth. The plan was to stage an invasion from the Netherlands at the same time as another northern rebellion. Elizabeth was to be murdered and replaced with Mary, Queen of Scots.
Who was involved in the Ridolfi Plot?
There were 5 important participants in the Ridolfi plot.
  • Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk.
  • King Philip II.
  • Guerau de Espes del Valle, the Spanish ambassador to England.
  • Pope Pius V.
  • Mary, Queen of Scots.
What was the impact of the Ridolfi Plot?
Elizabeth's advisers discovered the plot after intercepting Mary, Queen of Scots' letters. This is what happened after:
  • The Duke of Norfolk was executed.
  • The Treasons Act of 1571 was passed in which it was detailed that anyone who said Elizabeth was not the rightful queen was a traitor.
  • Recusants were now fined £20.
  • Attempting to convert people to Catholicism was now classed as treason.
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