Syngman Rhee

Who was Syngman Rhee?
Syngman Rhee was a Korean politician who led South Korea. He was born in March 1875 and died in July 1965.
When was Syngman Rhee leader of South Korea?
Rhee was leader of South Korea from 1948 to 1965.
What was Syngman Rhee's background?
Syngman Rhee's background included the following:
  • He was sent to prison in 1897 for opposing the Korean royal family.
  • When Rhee was released from prison he moved to the USA to study as a lawyer.
  • In 1919 he was elected President of Korea. However, he did not take up the role, as Japan controlled Korea and Rhee was exiled.
  • In 1948 he became the first President of South Korea. He had a reputation as a brutal ruler.
What was significant about Syngman Rhee?
Rhee was the first leader of South Korea and ruled during the Korean War.
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