Transcontinental Railroads

What were transcontinental railroads?
Transcontinental railroads were the railways which linked eastern USA to the western states.
When were the transcontinental railroads built?
The first transcontinental railroad, the Union-Pacific, was built between 1863 and 1869. Another four were constructed by 1900.
Where did the first transcontinental railroad go to?
The first transcontinental railroad ran between Omaha, Nebraska, and Sacramento in California.
What were the problems with building the transcontinental railroad?
There were 5 main problems with the construction of the transcontinental railroad.
  • The railroad was costly, and it was difficult to raise money for its construction.
  • The railroad had to navigate difficult terrain, including mountains and deserts.
  • Hostile Native Americans attacked railroad workers.
  • It was difficult to find enough people willing to work on the railroads.
  • The living and working conditions were terrible.
Why were transcontinental railroads so important?
Transcontinental railroads were important because they helped people move onto the Great Plains and travel across the United States. Railroad companies offered cheap land next to the tracks, which helped more people settle on the plains.
What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on settlers and farmers?
The railroad had several effects on settlers and farmers:
  • Travel became significantly cheaper and more convenient.
  • Towns and businesses grew rapidly around the railroad as it brought in more people.
  • Transporting goods became easier and cheaper. This meant farmers could make more money by selling their grain further away.
  • More products were brought to settlers: machinery, household items and luxuries became more widely available.
  • Many immigrants from Europe were able to settle with great success.
What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on Native Americans?
The railroad had several effects on Native Americans.
  • The railroad routes and tracks encroached even more on their lands, forcing them to move away.
  • To try and prevent railroads being built they attacked railroad surveyors. This led to conflict with the US Army.
  • The railroad caused a further reduction in buffalo numbers as it reduced the grassland they needed for food. It also brought in hunters, who killed great numbers of buffalo.
  • Some tribes, including the Pawnee, Omaha and Winnebago, signed treaties with the US government and moved onto reservations.
What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on the USA?
The railroad had a significant impact on the USA as a whole.
  • The railroad boosted the economy. As it connected east and west, trade became easier and quicker. It also opened Asia up to American markets.
  • Many Americans felt Manifest Destiny had been achieved, and America was now becoming a united nation.
What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on the cattle industry?
The railroad had an impact on the cattle industry, as it enabled cattle to be transported vast distances relatively quickly and cheaply. This meant cattle ranchers could sell their cattle in the eastern markets where prices were higher, making larger profits.
What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on the homesteaders?
The railroad had 3 main effects on homesteaders.
  • Transport was faster and easier, making it simpler to visit friends and family.
  • Homesteaders could bring in goods to make their lives easier. They could order goods from the east using mail order, such as from the Sears, Roebuck & Company catalogue.
  • Towns grew rapidly around the railroad, which allowed communities to form. Homesteaders could discuss farming ideas, socialise, and sell and buy products.
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