The Polish Corridor

What was the Polish Corridor?
The Polish Corridor was an area of West Prussia where the population was predominantly German. The new state of Poland needed a coastline and access to a port, so this land was given to Poland.
What happened to Danzig after the First World War?
The city of Danzig was a controversial issue after the First World War.
  • The city of Danzig was on the north coast of Europe by the Baltic Sea. Before 1919 it was located in Germany.
  • It had a mostly German population.
  • However, the newly-formed state of Poland needed a port city and access to a coastline.
  • Danzig was therefore named a free city and was run by the League of Nations.
What results did the decisions about the Polish Corridor have after the First World War?
The decisions made about the Polish Corridor in the Versailles Settlement had a number of far-reaching consequences.
  • Germany was split into two, with East Prussia separated from the main body of the country.
  • Danzig remained a point of controversy and was included in Hitler's international policies.
  • Large numbers of German people lived outside Germany, undermining Wilson's principle of self-determinism.
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