Franz von Papen

Who was Franz von Papen?
Franz von Papen was a member of the Catholic Centre Party or Zentrum Partei in the Weimar Republic. He was inadvertently instrumental in the collapse of the Weimar Republic and allowing Hitler to seize power.
When was Franz von Papen important?
Franz von Papen was important between 1932 and 1933.
What was important about Franz von Papen?
Franz von Papen was important because of 4 key events:
  • He became chancellor of the Weimar Republic when General von Schleicher persuaded President von Hindenburg to appoint him in May 1932.
  • He could not get the support of the Reichstag to pass his laws.
  • General von Schleicher persuaded the president to sack von Papen as chancellor and appoint himself instead.
  • He worked with Hitler to undermine Chancellor von Schleicher. He persuaded the president to sack von Schleicher and appoint Hitler as chancellor on 30th January, 1933.
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