The October Manifesto, 1905

What was the October Manifesto?
The October Manifesto, or The Manifesto on the Improvement of the State Order, was published by Nicholas II's government and granted certain rights and freedoms to the people of Russia.
When was the October Manifesto published?
The October Manifesto was published on 30th October, 1905 (or 17th October, Old Style).
What was the reason for the October Manifesto?
Tsar Nicholas II was forced to compromise after the uprisings of 1905. He laid out his reforms in the October Manifesto.
What did the October Manifesto contain?
Nicholas II granted 3 key things in the October Manifesto:
  • A parliament, called a Duma, which would have elected representatives.
  • Civil rights for all Russian citizens, including freedom of speech and the right to form political parties and trade unions.
  • New laws would be discussed and approved by the Duma.
What were the results of the October Manifesto?
The publication of the October Manifesto led to 3 key results:
  • An array of political parties were created such as the Octobrists, the Kadets, the Social Democratic Party and others.
  • Nicholas II passed the Fundamental Laws in April 1906 which established the Duma and its powers. However, he deliberately limited the powers of the Duma so that it was little more than an advisory body.
  • Many middle class people and liberals were very happy with the reforms the October Manifesto outlined.
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