Nazi Propaganda

What was the purpose of Nazi propaganda?
Between 1933 and 1945 the Nazis used propaganda to control what the public knew and to create more support for the regime. The Nazis wanted to influence people's opinions and beliefs to win the hearts and minds of the people.
Who was in control of Nazi propaganda?
Joseph Goebbels was put in charge of the Nazi government's propaganda in 1933. He was the minister of people's enlightenment and propaganda.
What was the main message of Nazi propaganda?
There were 3 main messages of Nazi propaganda that were repeated continually:
  • Blaming the Jews for Germany's problems.
  • Criticising the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Making Germany great again.
What was the propaganda strategy of the Nazis?
Goebbels thought propaganda worked best when the people were repeatedly given basic, short messages.
What methods of propaganda did the Nazi party use?
Between 1933 and 1945 the Nazi government used 8 different propaganda methods:
  • The press and newspapers were under tight control.
  • Film was used to push the Nazi message.
  • The availability of radio was expanded to cover all aspects of people's daily lives.
  • Rallies became an annual propaganda event.
  • Sport was Nazified to showcase how the Germans were a superior race.
  • Literature was used to tell a Nazi worldview.
  • Music had to be of Germanic roots.
  • Art was created to promote Nazi ideals.
How was Volksgemeinschaft used within Nazi propaganda?
Volksgemeinschaft means 'national community'. The Nazis used this idea within their propaganda to encourage people to feel pride for their country and to want to be part of the great German community the Nazis claimed they had created.
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