Persecution of Minorities

What was the Nazi persecution of minorities?
The persecution of minorities was the deliberate attack on certain minority groups, or 'undesirable people', such as Jews, Roma (gypsies) or homosexuals. They believed these 'undesirable people' were inferior and persecution escalated over time.
Why did the Nazis start the persecution of minorities?
The Nazi persecution of different minorities occurred because of 2 main reasons:
  • They believed in eugenics. This is selective breeding to create 'better' humans. The Nazis believed Aryans should only breed with other Aryans to keep the race strong.
  • As they believed that the Aryans were the superior race, they believed they should rule the world and therefore inferior races should be removed.
When did the Nazis carry out the persecution of minorities?
The Nazi persecution of minorities happened between 1933 and 1945.
Who were the 'Untermenschen' that faced persecution from the Nazis?
The Nazis believed that inferior races were 'Untermenschen', or sub-human, and that they were Lebensunwertes, or unworthy of life. They were part of the 'undesirable people'.
Why did the Nazi idea of the Aryan race lead to the persecution of minorities?
The Nazis believed there was a superior race, the Aryans, who came from certain parts of Europe. They tended to have blond hair, blue eyes and were physically strong.
Why did the Nazis carry out the persecution of the Jews?
Anti-Semitism means being anti-Jewish. The Nazi persecution of minorities involved attacks on Jews because the Nazis were anti-Semitic. Hitler blamed Jews for Germany's defeat in the First World War, and they built on existing anti-Semitic feeling that already existed in Germany.
Why did the Nazis carry out the persecution of the Slavs?
Nazis persecuted Slavic people from eastern Europe because they believed they were 'Untermenschen'. They also wanted to expand Germany into eastern Europe and wanted Lebensraum for Germans.
Why did the Nazis carry out the persecution of the Roma?
Nazis persecuted the Roma, or gypsies, because they saw them as 'Untermenschen' (sub-human). Roma tended to move around and the Nazis believed they did not contribute properly to society.
Why did the Nazis carry out the persecution of homosexuals?
Nazis persecuted homosexuals because they believed they were not doing their duty in reproducing.
Why did the Nazis carry out persecution of disabled people?
Nazis persecuted disabled people because they believed that spending money on them was a waste of resources and, if they reproduced, their offspring would pollute the Aryan race.
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