Naval Warfare

What was the English Navy like under Elizabeth?
Henry VIII had created a fleet of fighting vessels to defend England, and its growth continued under Elizabeth. John Hawkins was her naval commander.
What were the tactics of the English Navy during Elizabeth's reign?
They used three main tactics.
  • A tactic called 'line of battle' where ships, in a single line formation, fired together on the enemy.
  • Surprise raids were also a common tactic. The most famous was Drake's raid on Cadiz in 1587.
  • 'Fireships' was a tactic where an old ship was set on fire and sent into the middle of the enemy, causing them to flee.
What new technology did the Elizabethan navy use?
There were two important advances in naval technology.
  • The English had new lateen, or triangular, sails. These allowed for speed and agility, and more precise performance in battles and raids.
  • More powerful cannons allowed more accurate fire at longer ranges.
What were the Spanish tactics used against the English Navy during Elizabeth's reign?
The Spanish tactic was to try and get close to enemy ships so their sailors could jump on board and attack them.
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