Both sides dug networks of trenches to hold their positions on the Western Front. As they were developed they became more sophisticated, and became the soldiers' homes as well as where they fought.
What were the key features of the trench system?
The trenches had 7 key features.
Frontline trench. This was the first line of defence, and soldiers attacked from here.
Support trench. This had support troops, and was also a place to retreat to if the front line was attacked and over-run.
Reserve trench. This was sited 100m behind the support trench. Troops could rest here when they were not on the front line.
Dugouts. These were holes, dug into the sides of trenches, where men could sleep or take cover.
Communication trenches. These were used to connect the other trenches together.
Trenches were cut in a zigzag pattern to stop bullets travelling a long way down them during an attack, or to stop explosions from travelling along the whole trench.
❖No man's land. This was the space between the front lines of each side's trenches.