What was Mao's ideology by 1949?
By the time of his death,
Mao Zedong had developed a range of political, , social and military ideas that were known as 'Maoism'. They were largely shaped by his experience of the violence of the
Chinese Civil War.
When did Mao develop his political ideology?
What was the name of Mao's ideology?
What political ideas did Mao have?
Mao Zedong adopted 6 important political ideas which he used to control the
CCP after 1935 and to rule
China after 1949:
' centralism' was the idea that differences of opinion could be debated within the Communist Party, but once a decision was made it was the duty of all to support and follow that decision without question.
'Revolutionary correctness' was the idea that Maoism was the only truth; any other form of idea was counter-revolutionary and therefore dangerous to the survival of the CCP and the PRC.
The ' line' was a political idea developed by Mao that demanded the Communist Party should share the same struggles as the people and to listen to their ideas. Action could then be taken, completely controlled by the CCP.
Mao was a strong and believed China would shape its own future and form of . He changed the basic Marxist idea that the was the revolutionary class to that of the because it better suited the Chinese . This would lead him to become suspicious of Russian communism.
Mao believed in creating a single-party under the control of the Communist Party. This original idea evolved into the ever stronger concentration of power into a personal under Mao himself.
Mao wrote a book in 1940 called New Democracy. In it he made a convincing argument that China could easily move on from Sun Yat-sen's to a new revolution led by the CCP.
What economic ideas did Mao have?
Mao Zedong adopted 6 important ideas which he used to control the
CCP after 1935 and to rule
China after 1949:
Mao based his on agrarian . The Chinese were to be used to lead the revolution as there were comparatively few urban workers.
Agrarian would require the seizure of land from landowners and the concentration of into massive collective farms.
Agrarian would require the to denounce their former landlords in 'speak bitterness' . In most cases, the landlords were executed to rid the countryside of class enemies.
Agrarian would take care of both the and needs of China. Mao had seen this work at Jiangxi and Yanan, so the idea would be applied to the whole country.
Mao realised would be important as China was a backwards country. He would look to the Soviet 5 Year Plans as a model to speed up industrialisation in China.
To achieve targets, and due to his preference for , Mao would employ large numbers of people over experienced workers, technology or machinery.
What social ideas did Mao have?
Mao Zedong adopted 3 important social ideas that he used to control the
CCP after 1935 and to rule
China after 1949.
In 1937, Mao wrote about the idea of permanent : 'Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society, and without them it is impossible to accomplish any leap in social development and to overthrow the reactionary ruling classes, and therefore impossible for the people to win political power.'.
What Mao meant was that only a permanent of would change society. Therefore, he was determined to create continual revolutions to achieve his political, , social and military objectives.
Mao recognised more than just the would be needed to achieve his revolutionary aims. He declared the Communist Party could with different classes, even its former enemies, to create a national movement.
What military ideas did Mao have?
Mao Zedong adopted 4 important military ideas which he used to control the
CCP after 1935 and to rule
China after 1949:
Mao Zedong was heavily influenced by the military and the idea of conflict. The Red Army and its , the People's Liberation Army, would be used to win the civil war and, later, to build the Chinese
Only by engaging in a 'People's War,' would a victory become possible. This meant ensuring the of society was mobilised against all enemies, be they the Japanese, GMD or class enemies. Everything could be changed through a process of conflict.
'Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun' was an idea that expressed Mao's attitude towards conflict.
Mao believed in 'world '. This was a struggle between powers and those who supported revolution. Mao supplied Chinese advisors, training, weapons and support to any revolutionary movement fighting imperialist powers such as the USA and Britain.