Malcolm X

Who was Malcolm X?
Malcolm X was a civil rights activist who believed in black nationalism and separatism. Born Malcolm Little in 1925, he was a member of the Nation of Islam.
What was Malcolm X's early life like?
Malcolm X's life was shaped by 4 key events in his early life:
  • His father was murdered in a racist attack when he six years old.
  • He and his siblings were separated and put into foster care after their mother was committed to a mental institution.
  • He was heavily involved in crime.
  • He spent time in prison for burglary where he was introduced to the Nation of Islam.
Where did Malcolm X get his name?
Malcolm X stated that the 'X' symbolised the true African family name he could never know. His ancestors were forced to take the name 'Little' by the family that owned them as slaves.
What did Malcolm X believe?
Malcolm X had 3 main beliefs:
  • He was critical of the civil rights movement, and leaders like Martin Luther King in particular, because they worked with white people and the government to encourage change.
  • He became a voice for those who felt non-violent action had failed. He accepted violence may be necessary, although only in self defence.
  • After his split with the Nation of Islam in 1964 and his pilgrimage to Mecca, his beliefs changed. He began to work with white civil rights protesters and talked about human rights.
What was the difference between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?
Although Malcolm X was still a member of the Nation of Islam, the differences between him and Martin Luther King were clear. There were 4 key differences:
  • Malcolm X believed in seperation, whereas Martin Luther King believed in integration.
  • Malcolm X focused on the economic, political and social inequalities African Americans faced in the whole of America, whereas Martin Luther King focused on ending segregation and improving voter registration in the south.
  • Malcolm X did not believe in working with white people or the government, at least initially, whereas Martin Luther King did.
  • Malcolm X did not rule out violent protest if violence was used against African Americans, whereas Martin Luther King advocated peaceful protest.
What was the Nation of Islam Malcolm X was associated with?
There are 4 main things to note about the Nation of Islam:
  • It was a black nationalist group created in 1930, and still exists today.
  • Members believed in the separation of black and white people, not integration. They believed black people would be better off living separately but with the same facilities.
  • It should not be confused with Islam. The NOI was - and continues to be - an American movement that adopted some Islamic rules, such as observing Ramadan and refraining from drinking alcohol.
  • In 1964, Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam on bad terms after an argument with its leader, Elijah Muhammad.
What happened after Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam?
The Nation of Islam firebombed his home, sent him death threats, and spoke against him publicly.
What impact did Malcolm X have on the Nation of Islam?
Malcolm X made the Nation of Islam more popular. Its membership rose from 500 in 1952 to 30,000 by 1963.
What did Malcolm X do after he left the Nation of Islam?
When Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam in 1964, he created the Organisation of African American Unity to work with other civil rights groups.
How did Malcolm X die?
Malcolm X was assassinated in New York City on 21st February, 1965, while making a speech about accepting the possibility of integration and help from white people.
Why was Malcolm X assassinated?
Malcolm X was assassinated because his views had changed following a pilgrimage to Mecca and he became more willing to work with white people to achieve integration. This angered members of the Nation of Islam.
What influence did Malcolm X have?
His influence increased after his death. There was a lot of focus on his early ideas of black pride and the use of violence in self-defence.
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