Lloyd George's Views
What were David Lloyd George's views on the Paris peace settlement?
David Lloyd George was a pragmatist, motivated to get the best deal for Britain from the peace settlement at the end of the war. But he thought if the Germans were punished too severely they might start another war.
What were David Lloyd George's aims for the Paris peace settlement?
David Lloyd George had 5 key aims including:
He was re-elected in November 1918 on the promise he would 'make Germany pay'. He wanted a 'just' peace that would be tough enough to please the public but also leave Germany strong enough to trade. These made his position more complex than the other leaders as his aims were at odds with the British public.
He wanted to retain ; therefore he wanted to see Germany's navy reduced.
He wanted to reduce the risk of another war. He believed a very harsh might lead to resentment and revenge from Germany later on.
He wanted to retain a trade relationship with Germany. He was concerned that a weak, poor Germany might become , as Russia had.
He wanted to reduce the German Empire and preserve the British Empire.
Why were David Lloyd George's aims for the Paris peace settlement complex?
Lloyd George's aims were complex because while the British people wanted a harsh settlement against Germany that included revenge and , he wanted a lasting peace and an economically strong Germany.
How did the war affect David Lloyd George's views on the Paris peace settlement?
During the war, Britain and her lost nearly a million soldiers and suffered in German attacks on British towns. There had also been serious disruption.
How did the British public affect David Lloyd George's views on the Paris peace settlement?
Lloyd George was worried about the consequences of a harsh . But he was also under pressure from the public to make Germany pay. During the general election of 1918 an MP had promised: "We shall squeeze the German lemon until the pips squeak." This became one of the main slogans of the election.
What did David Lloyd George agree on with the other Big Three leaders in relation to the peace settlement?
Lloyd George mostly agreed with Wilson on the long-term consequences of a harsh settlement on Germany. He agreed with Wilson that Germany should not pay high for the cost of the war.
What did David Lloyd George disagree about with the other Big Three leaders in relation to the peace settlement?
David Lloyd George disagreed with the other
Big Three leaders on a number of issues:
Woodrow Wilson disagreed with David Lloyd George over his wish for British , as Wilson believed in freedom of the seas.
Lloyd George disagreed with Clemenceau over the issue of German armament. He wanted Germany to remain militarily strong, to act as a against , whereas Clemenceau wanted Germany weak and defenceless.
Lloyd George disagreed with Clemenceau over the issue of . Lloyd George wanted an economically stable Germany for Britain to trade with, whereas Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay huge reparations.
Lloyd George disagreed with Wilson over ambitions for the British Empire. Lloyd George wanted to expand the , whereas Wilson believed in the idea of national