Kim Il-Sung

Who was Kim II-Sung?
Kim II-Sung was a politician who led North Korea. He was born in April 1912 and died in July 1994.
When was Kim II-Sung leader of North Korea?
He was leader of North Korea from 1948 to 1994.
What was Kim II-Sung's background?
Kim II-Sung's background included the following:
  • He created the Young Communist League of Korea in 1927.
  • He led a group that fought against the Japanese during their years of rule.
  • He was a major in the Soviet army and fought for the USSR during the Second World War.
  • In 1945 he formed the Communist Party of North Korea.
  • He became leader of North Korea in 1948 and ruled until his death in 1994.
  • With Stalin's permission he began a military campaign to unite Korea after its division at the end of the Second World War. This resulted in war starting in 1950.
What was the significance of Kim II-Sung?
Kim II-Sung was significant because of his role in causing the Korean War. He launched an invasion of South Korea in order to unite the two nations.
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