East African Independence From the British Empire

How did Kenya gain independence from the British Empire?
British colonies in East Africa became independent in the years following the Second World War. Kenya was a major country that became independent at this time.
When did Kenya become independent?
Kenya achieved independence in 1963.
Who was responsible for Kenya's independence from the British Empire?
Kenya's independence was largely achieved by Jomo Kenyatta, who became Kenya's first president.
What events led to Kenya's independence?
There were a number of steps that led to Kenya's independence.
  • After the Second World War, more white settlers migrated to Kenya to farm on land that had belonged to the native peoples.
  • The British government already knew that it would have to give the Africans more power. They expected to grant independence eventually - but not for another 50 years.
  • They made a 'power-sharing' agreement, which gave the Africans a say in government. However, it was still unequal, with the whites having more power.
  • The Africans did not want to share power. They were also angry about the land that had been taken from them. Many joined a resistance movement known as 'Mau Mau'.
  • The British brought in troops to crush the Mau Mau rebellion. They committed fearful atrocities, and arrested the leaders.
  • One of the people arrested was Jomo Kenyatta. He was a politician, but not part of the Mau Mau revolt. He was found guilty in a rigged trial, and sent to prison.
  • After the atrocities against the Mau Mau rebels, the British released Kenyatta in 1961, and negotiated independence with him. Independence was finally granted in 1963.
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