Lev Kamenev

Who was Kamenev?
Lev Kamenev was from a working class family. He joined the Bolshevik Party and became a leading member. He became a close friend of Lenin's and spent time with him in exile.
When did Kamenev join the Communist Party?
Kamenev joined the Bolshevik Party in 1903.
What was Lenin's relationship with Kamenev?
Kamenev was a close friend of Lenin's, but had opposed his plan for a revolution in October 1917.
What were Kamenev's political beliefs?
Kamenev was on the left of the Communist Party. He believed in permanent or world-wide revolution and was against the New Economic Policy, NEP.
What did Lenin say about Kamenev in his 'Testament'?
Lenin criticised Kamenev for not supporting him in the October Revolution of 1917 in his 'Testament'.
What roles did Kamenev have in the Communist Party?
Kamenev held 4 key positions of responsibility:
  • He was in charge of the Communist Party in Petrograd when he returned from exile in March 1917.
  • In 1919, he became the leader of the Communist Party in Moscow.
  • Between March 1921 and 1926, he was a full member of the Politburo.
  • When Lenin died in 1924, he was the acting head of the communist government.
What happened to Kamenev during the leadership struggle with Stalin?
In 1925, Stalin allied with Kamenev and Zinoviev to defeat Trotsky. Between 1927 and 1929 Stalin turned against Kamenev and allied with Bukharin.
What happened to Kamenev in the Great Purges?
Stalin viewed Kamenev as a threat so was targeted in the Great Purges of 1936 to 1938:
  • He was arrested and put on trial during the Trial of the Sixteen in 1936 with Zinoviev.
  • He was accused of the murder of Kirov, plotting to overthrow the government and sabotaging the Five Year Plans.
  • Kamenev confessed to the crimes of which he was accused to save the lives of his family. He was executed by being shot.
When did Kamenev die?
Kamenev was executed after his show trial on 24th August, 1936. He was shot.
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