The June Offensive, 1917

What was the June Offensive?
The June Offensive was a Russian attack to push back the Austro-Hungarians and Germans to win the war. It was a disaster. It is also known as the July Offensive depending on which calendar you are using.
When did the June Offensive take place?
The June Offensive began on 18th June, 1917 and had collapsed by 5th July, 1917 by the old calendar. By the new calendar it began on 1st July, 1917.
Why did the June Offensive occur?
The June Offensive was launched as an attempt by Russia to achieve a crushing military victory and end the war.
Who organised the June Offensive?
As the Minister for War, it was Alexander Kerensky who organised the June Offensive.
What were the results of the June Offensive?
There were 3 key results of the June Offensive:
  • Huge losses of 400,000 men. It also led to mutinies and chaos.
  • Both the Provisional Government and Kerensky, as the minister of war, were blamed for the failures in the war. This led to resignations, especially from the Kadets.
  • The July Days were a period of social, economic and political upheaval in Russia while the Provisional Government was in charge.
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