Hawkins - Discoveries

Who was John Hawkins?
Sir John Hawkins was an Elizabethan adventurer who helped develop England's navy. He was also the first English slave trader.
What did John Hawkins do?
He was notable for several reasons:
  • He was responsible for building up the Royal Navy.
  • He was a military leader and played a major role in defeating the Spanish Armada.
  • He was a successful privateer, like Francis Drake.
  • In 1562 he became involved in the slave trade.
When did John Hawkins live?
Sir John Hawkins was born in 1532, and died in 1595.
What were the key events of John Hawkins' life?
There were a number of key events in Sir John Hawkins' life.
  • As a young man, Hawkins made a number of journeys to the Spanish Canary islands, where he saw how the Spanish were trading in enslaved Africans.
  • In 1562, Hawkins attacked and captured a Portuguese merchant fleet. He found 300 enslaved Africans on board, which he then sold (illegally) in the Caribbean.
  • In the 1580s, Hawkins helped to design the ships of the Royal Navy, which defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his role in the battle against the Armada.
  • Hawkins also went on privateering raids with his cousin, Sir Francis Drake. During one of these raids, Hawkins died in 1595.
What was the significance of John Hawkins?
These are some of the ways in which Sir John Hawkins was significant.
  • He was the first Englishman to become involved in the slave trade. Although the trade started in earnest in 1619, Hawkins was the first Englishman to recognise the value of the trade.
  • He played a significant role in the development of the Royal Navy, which was an essential factor in Britain's ability to grow and defend its empire.
  • Today, Hawkins' reputation has been damaged by his involvement in the slave trade. He is used as an example of the negative side of imperialism and colonialism.
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