The Indian Wars (1864-68): Causes and Consequences

What were the Indian Wars?
The Indian Wars were a series of battles and massacres between Native American tribes, settlers, and government agents.
What caused the Indian Wars?
There were several reasons for the Indian Wars.
  • Attitudes to land. The Native Americans didn't believe land could be owned, but laws such as the Homestead Act encouraged settlers to rush onto the Plains to claim land. The belief in Manifest Destiny strengthened the settlers' belief that the land was theirs to cultivate.
  • Attitudes to treaties. Native Americans within tribes didn't individually agree to the treaties made with the US government. Treaties were frequently broken as a result, as Native Americans strayed off their land.
  • Poor conditions in the reservations. Native Americans were not treated well in many of the reservations. Food was often scarce, and the Native Americans starved to death on some reservations. This led to disagreements, which sometimes turned violent.
  • Broken agreements. White settlers continued to cross Native American land, and even mined it. The government often did not pay compensation, which led to hostilities.
  • Buffalo. In the 1870s, the vast buffalo herds on the Plains were hunted almost to extinction by white hunters, who sold the hides but left the carcasses to rot. The grazing lands were also taken over by the cattle industry. The elimination of their main food supply brought the Sioux into armed conflict with the military.
  • The introduction of the railroad. This displaced many Native Americans. It also disrupted the buffalo herds.
What were the consequences of the Indian Wars?
There were 4 consequences of the Indian Wars.
  • The US Army destroyed Native American property and resources.
  • The Native American population was reduced, due to starvation, fighting and disease.
  • Relationships between the Native Americans and the settlers worsened.
  • Native Americans were put onto smaller reservations, which had very poor quality land.
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