The British Raj and the Start of Indian Nationalism

What was the 'Raj'?
The Raj is the name given to the period of British rule in India following the Great Rebellion, and ending with Indian independence.
When was the British Raj?
The period of the Raj lasted from 1858 until 1947.
What were the policies of the British Raj?
After the British government took full control of India in 1858, it set out various policies designed to prevent another rebellion in the future.
  • The government appointed a viceroy (the Queen's representative) to India, and a Secretary of State for India was appointed to pass on the government's wishes and policies to the viceroy.
  • Queen Victoria made a proclamation in 1858 that suggested that Indians were going to be treated as equal subjects within the British Empire.
  • Indians were allowed to join the Indian Civil Service, which was established to help the British govern India.
  • However, until 1887 an Indian would have to travel to Britain in order to take the exam - which meant that the ICS was staffed exclusively by white Britons.
  • Indians were encouraged to travel to Britain to seek education. Eventually, quality colleges were established in India.
  • Eventually, many Indians were trained as lawyers in Britain (and in India). This created a group of Indians that understood the law and knew how to make convincing arguments.
How did Indian nationalism develop in the Raj?
Despite the efforts of the British government to provide more opportunities for Indians, there was an increase in nationalism amongst some Indians.
  • Those Indians who had received a British education, and who understood the law, began to form nationalist organisations, to campaign for independence.
  • At first, these Anglicised Indians wanted greater rights and opportunities within British India for people like them - rich and influential Indian elites.
  • The Indian National Congress (INC) was created in 1885 to promote this agenda. Within 20 years the INC became the main organisation calling for greater independence for all Indians.
Who was Lord Curzon in the Raj?
Lord Curzon was Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1906. He tried to prevent the rise of Indian nationalism.
  • Lord Curzon was determined to establish a lasting British dominance over the Indian people.
  • He attempted to limit the growing influence of Indian nationalism, and wanted to keep the Indians out of any positions of power within the Raj.
  • Curzon's ideas were based on clear notions of racial superiority, and many Europeans in India believed it was their duty to rule over the Indians because they were not capable of doing so themselves.
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