Hitler's International Actions 1933 - 1939, by year

How did Hitler's actions lead to the Second World War?
Between 1933 and 1939, Hitler's actions went largely unchallenged by the international community and, as a result, he gradually became more and more aggressive.
What were Hitler's actions in 1933?
Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, and immediately took a number of actions internationally to begin to fulfill his foreign policy aims including:
  • Germany refused to make any more reparations payments.
  • Germany left the League of Nations.
  • Germany walked out of the World Disarmament Conference.
  • Germany began to rearm in secret.
What were Hitler's actions in 1934?
Hitler realised that Germany was still very weak during his pursuit of his foreign policy aims in 1934.
  • Hitler needed the security of a non-aggression pact with Poland, signed in January.
  • During July, Hitler attempted to unite Germany with Austria (Anschluss) after he encouraged Austrian Nazis to rebel, and assassinate Engelbert Dollfuss, the Austrian chancellor.
What were Hitler's actions in 1935?
Germany's foreign policy in 1935 continued to show Hitler's disdain for Versailles but went largely unchallenged by other countries.
  • In January 1935, the Saar plebiscite returned a 90% result in favour of the region returning to Germany. This was legal and in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles, but was seen as a victory for the Nazis.
  • In March 1935, Germany announced the reintroduction of conscription and the building of a military airforce, the Luftwaffe. Britain, France and Italy formed the Stresa Front in protest.
  • In June 1935, Britain signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement with Germany, allowing it to build a navy that was an agreed proportion of the size of Britain's.
  • In October 1935, Italy invaded Abyssinia. Germany continued to trade with Italy despite the League of Nations' economic sanctions.
What were Hitler's actions in 1936?
In 1936, Germany began to break the terms of the Treaty of Versailles more openly but continued to go unchallenged by the other powers. Hitler's actions included:
  • In March 1936, nineteen German battalions marched into the demilitarised Rhineland, in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • In July 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out between the left-wing government and the right-wing General Franco. Germany sent troops to assist Franco.
  • In November 1936, Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, promising to work against the spread of communism and ensuring that neither would ally with the USSR.
  • Following a speech by Mussolini in November 1936, Germany and Italy held an informal alliance called the Rome-Berlin Axis.
What were Hitler's actions in 1937?
The following issues helped Hitler in 1937.
  • Hitler took the Spanish Civil War as an opportunity to test new Luftwaffe aircraft during the bombing of Guernica in 1937.
  • In November 1937, Germany allied more closely with Italy when Italy signed the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister of Britain. He pursued a proactive policy of appeasement.
  • In 1937, Germany's ally Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China.
What were Hitler's actions in 1938?
1938 was the year in which Germany began to expand beyond its borders, targeting areas with a high proportion of German speakers. Hitler's actions included:
  • In February and March, Hitler was successful in forcing a union between Austria and Germany. This was called Anschluss.
  • He threatened to seize the Sudetenland in May 1938, but backed down at the prospect of war with the USSR and France, as well as Czechoslovakia.
  • In September 1938, Hitler met with British prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, and demanded the return of the Sudetenland, leading to the Munich Conference.
  • The Munich Conference was held in late September 1938 between France, Italy, Germany and Britain. It was decided to allow Germany to extend into the Sudetenland.
  • After the Munich Conference, Britain and Germany signed a non-aggression pact.
What were Hitler's actions in 1939?
The Second World War broke out on the 3rd September 1939, after Germany's actions had become increasingly aggressive and expansionist. His actions in 1939 included:
  • In March 1939, German forces invaded Bohemia and Moravia, the remaining Czechoslovakian territories.
  • In response to the invasion of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France offered a guarantee to protect Poland if it was attacked.
  • In May 1939, Germany and Italy signed the Pact of Steel. Japan would join this formal alliance in 1940.
  • In August 1939, the USSR and Germany signed a non-aggression pact called the Nazi-Soviet Pact.
  • On 1st September 1939, Germany invaded Poland.
  • After Germany ignored their ultimatum, Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939. The Second World War had begun.
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