The Gestapo

What was the Gestapo?
The Gestapo was Hitler's secret police and established by Hermann Göring. In 1934, the SS was put in charge of the Gestapo. It was an instrument of terror led by Reinhard Heydrich.
When was the Gestapo founded?
The Gestapo was initially founded on 26th April, 1933, and transferred to Himmler in April, 1934.
What was the Gestapo's purpose?
The Gestapo had three main purposes.
  • It spied on German citizens.
  • It prosecuted anyone who spoke out against the Nazi regime.
  • It created fear. Germans were terrified of the Gestapo because they did not know who its members were.
How many people were in the Gestapo?
There were only about 32,000 Gestapo. The Gestapo relied on informants to spy on their behalf.
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