The Human Genome Project

What was the Human Genome Project?
The Human Genome Project involved an international team of scientists working together to decode the human genome. As a result of their efforts, there is now a 'genetic blueprint' for human beings.
When was the Human Genome Project?
The Human Genome Project lasted from 1990 to 2003. It finished two years ahead of schedule.
Who set up the Human Genome Project?
James Watson set up the Human Genome Project.
How has the Human Genome Project been used to treat illness and disease?
Once DNA had been mapped, scientists could use the information to treat people suffering from genetic diseases. Examples include:
  • A gene was identified that is sometimes present in breast cancer sufferers. People can now be tested to see whether they carry that gene.
  • It has been used to reverse mutations that cause blindness.
  • It has been used to make some cells resistant to HIV (the virus that causes AIDS).
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