French Wars of Religion

What were the French Wars of Religion?
The French Wars of Religion were civil wars in France, between the Catholics and the French Protestants (known as Huguenots).
When were the French Wars of Religion?
The French Wars of Religion occurred between 1562 and 1598.
Why did the French Wars of Religion happen?
The French Wars of Religion happened for the following reasons:
  • Protestant ideas were spreading and gaining popularity in Europe. Protestantism began to grow in popularity in France, especially in the lower orders of society.
  • During the 1530s, Protestants started putting up anti-Catholic posters (the Affair of the Placards). The French king, Francis I, treated the Protestants harshly, including burning those involved in the affair at the stake.
  • This harsh treatment of Protestants continued with Francis I's successors. His son, Henry II, was particularly harsh in his treatment, as he believed all Protestants were guilty of heresy.
  • Persecution of Protestants continued, culminating in the Massacre of Vassy. This was where 60 Huguenots were murdered, and 100 more wounded, during a Protestant service. This is seen as the beginning of the French Wars of Religion.
How many people died in the French Wars of Religion?
It has been estimated that somewhere between 2 million and 4 million people perished as a result of these wars.
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