Alexander Fleming

Who was Alexander Fleming?
Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish scientist, who discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin in 1928.
What was Alexander Fleming's background?
Alexander Fleming had been an army doctor in the First World War, where he saw many men die of infection caused by the staphylococcus bacteria and septicaemia.
What were Fleming's early discoveries?
In 1922, Fleming's research identified that an enzyme called lysozyme, found in human tears, killed certain harmless bacteria.
How did Fleming discover penicillin?
In 1928, Fleming accidentally left some staphylococcus bacteria on a culture plate in his lab. After two weeks he noticed that penicillium notatum (a green mould) had stopped the bacteria from growing.
Where did Fleming publish his findings?
In 1929, Fleming published his findings about penicillin in the 'British Journal of Experimental Pathology'.
What problems did Fleming face?
Fleming was unable to develop his research into penicillin after 1929 for 3 key reasons:
  • It was difficult to grow enough penicillium (the fungus) for effective research.
  • Penicillin appeared to take time to have an effect, and its effectiveness was limited when mixed with blood.
  • Fleming was unable to get funding for more research.
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