First Barons' War

What was the First Barons' War?
King John quickly broke the promises in the Magna Carta and raised an army to fight the barons. This is known as the First Barons' War.
What happened in the First Barons' War?
There were 4 key parts of the First Barons' War:
  • King John had the support of the pope and the barons had the support of the French.
  • The barons occupied Rochester Castle. King John stormed the castle and regained control.
  • However, French Prince Louis helped the barons and they controlled much of England.
  • King John died in 1216 and his son, Henry III was crowned King. He was only 9 years old, so loyalist leaders led his army.
  • In the Battle of Lincoln (1217) Prince Louis's forces faced those of John's son, who, by now, was King Henry III. The king claimed victory and it led to Prince Louis returning to France.
How did the First Barons War end?
During the First Barons' War, King John died. The barons decided to crown his young son, Henry, king. They believed they could control Henry, as he was only a child, and were more willing to accept defeat after Prince Louis's forces fled.
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