The Age of Discovery

How was exploration possible?
Exploration of the globe could only be achieved through new technology.
What was the Age of Discovery in the Elizabethan era?
Elizabeth's reign was known as the Age of Discovery and Exploration.
Why did Elizabethan exploration happen?
There were many reasons for the expansion of Elizabethan exploration.
  • England was seeking new trade partners in the Far East, such as India and China.
  • Elizabeth wanted to be seen as powerful and exploration would boost her image.
  • There had been drastic improvements in technology, which made navigation easier and ships better.
  • Europeans were interested in overseas culture and goods.
  • The Renaissance era led to an increase in scientific curiosity.
What was the circumnavigation during Elizabethan's exploration?
Sir Francis Drake was the leading explorer. Drake circumnavigated the globe between 1577 and 1580. The discoveries he made led to a completely new understanding of the world in England.
How was the slave trade involved in Elizabethan exploration?
Throughout Elizabeth's reign, England's involvement in the slave trade grew. Many more slave traders made a fortune by meeting the demand for slaves to work in the New World in the Americas. Sir Francis Drake and his second cousin, Sir John Hawkins, made one of the first voyages to Africa and captured people to sell as slaves in the New World.
What were the negative outcomes of Elizabethan exploration?
Elizabeth's unofficial support for the explorers, or privateers, may have worsened relations with Philip II of Spain.
What were the positive outcomes for England from Elizabethan exploration?
There were a few positive outcomes of the Age of Discovery.
  • The Age of Discovery increased England's position as a global superpower.
  • Drake and other privateers' actions helped to improve the English economy as any treasure taken had to be shared with the queen.
  • England's empire was expanding due to colonisation.
  • It led to improved geographical knowledge of the world.
  • Trade links were established with new countries.
How were English ships used for exploration superior to other countries' vessels during Elizabeth's rule?
There were three main reasons why English ships were superior to others at the time.
  • Ships at this time were built with new lateen (triangular) sails which made them faster and easier to steer.
  • The astrolabe allowed sailors to judge how far north or south they were, and compasses allowed for navigation to be more accurate.
  • Better defensive weapons made sailing through enemy and hostile waters much safer.
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