
What was life like for the very poor in Elizabethan England?
During the Elizabethan period, life could be very hard for ordinary people and poverty could be extreme. Unlike now, there was no welfare system or support for those who needed it.
How did people view poverty in Elizabethan times?
People in Elizabethan times had a number of beliefs about poverty.
  • They believed that some people, such as the old and sick, could not help being in poverty and deserved help. These were called the 'deserving poor'.
  • They believed that other people were poor because they were feckless and lazy. These were known as the 'undeserving poor' or 'sturdy beggars'.
  • They believed in the 'Chain of Being', which stated that it was important for everyone to remain in their own place in society.
What were the main causes of poverty in Elizabethan times?
There were seven main causes of poverty in Elizabethan England. You can remember these more easily by using the acronym WHIPPED, which stands for the following:
  • War increased taxes for ordinary people as it was very expensive. Moreover, when war was over, many were left unemployed.
  • Harvests in England were bad between 1594 and 1598, which led to food shortages. Some people died of starvation.
  • Inflation was particularly bad during this period. The bad harvests drove up food price, especially for grain. This was made worse as wages did not increase as quickly as the price of goods.
  • Population - the number of people in England grew from 2.8 to 4 million during this period.
  • Policies - previous monarchs' policies left many people without work. Henry VIII closed the monasteries, which caused unemployment and impacted the poor as these were the places where they went for medical treatment when they were sick.
  • Enclosure farming meant people were farming sheep rather than crops. This required fewer workers.
  • Diseases such as the plague and smallpox left families without a wage earner.
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