Alexander Dubček

Who was Dubček?
Alexander Dubček was a leader of Czechoslovakia. He had a good relationship with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, supported the Warsaw Pact, and wanted to introduce reforms to improve people's lives.
When was Dubček in power?
Alexander Dubček was the leader of Czechoslovakia from January 1968 to August 1968.
What were Dubček reforms called?
Dubček introduced reforms known as the Prague Spring to create 'socialism with a human face'.
What reforms did Dubček introduce?
There were 4 main reforms introduced by Dubček:
  • He relaxed censorship.
  • Other political parties were also permitted.
  • The secret police had their powers reduced.
  • Some capitalist elements were even allowed to create a kind of 'market socialism' economy.
What happened to Dubček afterwards?
The following happened to Dubček:
  • Dubček was arrested and forced to visit Moscow.
  • He was ordered to reverse all his reforms.
  • In 1969 Dubček was replaced by Husak, who was a hardline communist Moscow could rely on.
  • He was appointed Ambassador to Turkey until he was expelled from the party. He then worked in forest administration.
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