Draft System

What was the draft system for the Vietnam War?
Any man aged over 18 could be drafted into compulsory military service. Most were under 26, and the average was 19 years of age.
What training did people who were drafted into the Vietnam War receive?
Draftees received only basic training before being sent to fight in Vietnam.
What was the response to the draft system in the Vietnam War?
Many people felt the draft was unfair, that the draftees were too young, and that a lack of proper training increased the chances of them dying.
What was the lottery system of the draft in the Vietnam War?
In 1969, to try and make the system fairer, the government turned the draft into a random lottery system. Men aged from 25 to 31 were included, adding a further 26 million potential soldiers. Out of 2.6 million men who fought in Vietnam, 650,000 were draftees.
Was anyone exempt from the draft in the Vietnam War?
4 main groups were exempt from the draft:
  • The physically and mentally unfit.
  • University students.
  • Some government and industrial workers.
  • Only sons, or those who could prove being drafted would create hardship for their families.
How many men were made exempt from the draft in the Vietnam War?
In total, 15 million men were made exempt from the draft.
What were the views of conscientious objectors on the draft for the Vietnam War?
Men could become conscientious objectors (COs) and refuse military service on the grounds of their religious or moral beliefs.
What work did conscientious objectors do as part of the draft system in the Vietnam War?
Conscientious objectors were required to undertake war work, such as working in weapons factories. There were around 17,000 COs in total, although almost 20 times as many men applied for exemption.
How did people avoid the draft in the Vietnam War?
Men living or working abroad could avoid the draft, but this option was only really available to the wealthy. Some 50,000 men went into hiding or left America illegally instead.
Why was the draft system unfair in the Vietnam War?
There were 3 main reasons the draft system was seen as unfair:
  • Middle-class white men were often able to avoid the draft as they could afford to go to university or move abroad.
  • Those with influential contacts could also dodge the draft.
  • A disproportionate number of poor people, and those belonging to black and ethnic minorities, were therefore called up.
How many people refused to obey the draft for the Vietnam War?
9,000 men were prosecuted for refusing to be drafted.
What was the significance of the draft system in the Vietnam War?
The significance of the draft system to the Vietnam War was its impact on the growing peace movement. Many people saw the system as unfair and engaged in protests.
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