Ngo Dinh Diem

Who was Ngo Dinh Diem?
Ngo Dinh Diem was the final prime minister of the State of Vietnam from 1954 to 1955, and then President of South Vietnam from 1955 to 1963.
What was Ngo Dinh Diem's background?
Diem was a Catholic, born in Vietnam. He worked for French officials from a young age.
What was Ngo Dinh Diem's relationship with Ho Chi Minh?
Ho Chi Minh's forces captured Diem in 1945 and offered him a position in the new Democratic Republic of Vietnam. However, Diem was not interested and fled to the USA for ten years.
What influence did the USA have on Ngo Dinh Diem's life?
It was during his time in America that Diem met fellow Catholic, John F Kennedy. Diem built a reputation as a potential leader of a future US-backed government in South Vietnam.
Who led South Vietnam before Ngo Dinh Diem?
The leader of South Vietnam before Ngo Dinh Diem was Bao Dai, a former emperor of Vietnam, who led anti-communist forces in South Vietnam after the departure of the French.
Was Diem a good president?
Diem was initially regarded as a good president. He built new schools and strengthened the economy. However, this changed because he increased his power, allowed corruption, and was anti-Buddhist.
What were the reasons Diem lacked support?
Diem lacked support for 6 important reasons:
  • Most of the South Vietnamese population was Buddhist, but Diem favoured Catholics and gave them government jobs.
  • There were still a lot of communists in South Vietnam who opposed him.
  • A number of other political and religious groups used their own armies to oppose Diem.
  • Diem showed little respect for the villages, or for anyone who lived outside Saigon.
  • When villagers complained about greedy and corrupt landowners, he did nothing to help them.
  • His promised land reforms failed.
How did Diem deal with his opponents?
Diem ordered the arrest of those who opposed him, and those who were suspected of being communists. It is estimated there were 65,000 arrests, and that 2,000 people were killed.
How did Diem break the Geneva Accords?
Under the Geneva Accords, there were supposed to be elections in 1956, but Diem refused to hold them.
Who supported Diem?
Diem had support from the USA, which was concerned the proposed 1956 elections would be won by the communists.
How did the USA support Diem?
Advisers were sent by President Eisenhower to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam - the ARVN.
Why did the USA support Diem?
The USA remained in Vietnam after the Geneva Accords for 2 main reasons.
  • President Diem's government was not strong or popular enough.
  • President Eisenhower believed in the Domino Theory, and was concerned about the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.
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