Cuban Revolution, 1959

What was the Cuban Revolution?
Fidel Castro led an armed uprising to bring down the dictatorship of the Cuban president, Fulgencio Batista.
When was the Cuban Revolution?
The Cuban Revolution started in July 1953. Batista was removed from power on 31st December, 1958.
Who started the Cuban Revolution?
Fidel Castro started the Cuban Revolution.
How did the Cuban Revolution affect Cuba's relationship with the USA?
Before 1959, the USA supported Batista and there was co-operation between the two countries. This ended when diplomatic relations were broken off in January 1961.
What was the USA's reaction to the Cuban Revolution?
The USA reacted in 7 key ways:
  • It wanted Cuba back inside America's sphere of influence.
  • In 1959, it refused to accept compensation offered by Cuba for American-owned property and land taken in the revolution.
  • Although America did recognise Castro's government, when he requested economic aid in 1960 this was denied. Instead, President Eisenhower reduced US imports of Cuban sugar by 95%.
  • It supported Cuban exiles to undermine the new government.
  • It refused to buy Cuban sugar, which provided a significant part of the national income, and eventually ended all trade with Cuba in October 1960.
  • The CIA tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Castro.
  • The CIA convinced President Kennedy that the USA needed to invade Cuba.
What became of Cuba's relationship with the USSR after the Cuban Revolution?
There were 3 important developments in Cuba's relationship with the Soviet Union:
  • Cuba began to build economic links with the Soviet Union instead of the USA.
  • In February 1960, it began to trade Cuban sugar for Soviet oil.
  • Cuba wanted the Soviets' military defence and support.
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