What were Georges Clemenceau's views on the Paris peace settlement?
Georges Clemenceau's views on the peace settlement were radical. He wanted revenge against Germany.
How did the war affect Georges Clemenceau's views on the peace settlement?
The war affected Clemenceau's views in a number of ways:
France had suffered the loss of 1.4 million soldiers and 300,000 civilians in the First World War.
The war also destroyed agriculture, industries, transport and towns.
Clemenceau therefore wanted to take revenge and cripple Germany, as most of the fighting took place in France.
What were Georges Clemenceau's aims for the peace settlement?
Clemenceau had 6 key aims for the peace settlement including:
He wanted Germany punished and to pay reparations for the damage caused.
He wanted an independent Rhineland in order to make Germany weak and defenceless, and to protect France from future attack.
He wanted the German Army disbanded to prevent any future attack on France.
Germany had taken the French region of Alsace-Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. Clemenceau wanted it returned.
He believed the Saar Basin, a rich coal-mining region of Germany, should be given to France.
He wanted France to be given many of Germany's overseas colonies.
What did Georges Clemenceau agree about with the other Big Three leaders in relation to the peace settlement?
Clemenceau did not agree on much with the other leaders of the Big Three. He was determined to cripple Germany and, while this was a popular feeling among the British people, it was not a view held by their prime minister.
What did Georges Clemenceau and the other Big Three leaders disagree on in relation to the peace settlement?
Clemenceau disagreed with the other leaders on 4 important points including:
Clemenceau mostly disagreed with the other leaders of the Big Three due to the impact of the war on France and previous tensions caused by Germany.
Clemenceau disagreed with Lloyd George on the issue of armaments. He wanted Germany's army completely disbanded, while Lloyd George wanted a strong Germany to act as a buffer against communism.
He disagreed with Lloyd George on the issue of reparations. Clemenceau wanted huge reparations from Germany, whereas Lloyd George wanted an economically stable Germany for Britain to trade with.
Clemenceau disagreed with Wilson on assigning blame for the war. France wanted a settlement based on revenge and for Germany to accept full blame, whereas Wilson wanted a settlement that would encourage world peace.