The Civil War, 1946-49

What was the Chinese Civil War?
The Chinese Civil War was a conflict between the GMD and the CCP for control of China.
Who was involved in the Chinese Civil War?
The GMD faced off against the CCP with their respective armies. This was similar to the situation before the war against Japan began in 1937.
When did the Chinese Civil War take place?
The civil war lasted from July 1946 to October 1949. Unofficially, some would argue this actually began in 1927 and was only paused because of the war with Japan.
Why did the Chinese Civil War happen?
Once the war against Japan had ended, the Allies backed Chiang's attempt to seize power by establishing a GMD dominated government. This angered the communists and no agreement could be made, leading to fighting and the continuation of the civil war.
What were the key phases of the Chinese Civil War?
There were 3 key phases to the Chinese Civil War:
  • July 1946-May 1947: The GMD controlled the majority of the north including capturing Yanan. However, using the newly named People's Liberation Army (PLA), the CCP employed guerrilla warfare to take control of northern Manchuria.
  • May 1947-November 1948: The PLA changed tactics and used conventional warfare to attack the GMD directly. The PLA pushed forward into the western territories with the northern areas consolidated under communist rule.
  • December 1948-October 1949: Conventional warfare continued and huge battles, such as the Battle of Huaihai, take place. Both sides suffered major losses before the GMD forces began to collapse. The communists then pushed on to secure overall victory.
What were the key outcomes of the Chinese Civil War?
There were 4 key outcomes of the Chinese Civil War:
  • By October 1949, the majority of China was under communist control.
  • Mao declared himself leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
  • The GMD leadership fled China with Chiang Kai-shek, relocating their government to Taiwan.
  • It is estimated the civil war cost the lives of 2.5 million people, including 750,000 civilians.
What were the reasons for communist victory in the Chinese Civil War?
There were 5 reasons the CCP won the civil war:
  • Military leadership: Mao created an in-depth plan to win the war with skilled generals who executed it well.
  • Military tactics: Mao's army was dynamic and employed different tactics to suit each situation. The use of both guerrilla warfare and conventional warfare is evidence of this.
  • Quality of troops: Mao's army showed extreme discipline and this gained the support of the peasants, who were badly treated by the GMD.
  • Political: Mao marketed communism well, with propaganda showing united leadership and democratic dictatorship. This attracted a lot of support.
  • Economic/social: Mao introduced land reform which benefitted the peasants, and in turn, secured their loyalty. The CCP was also seen as more nationalistic as they had always opposed and resisted the Japanese.
What were the reasons for GMD defeat in the Chinese Civil War?
There were 5 reasons the GMD lost the civil war:
  • Military leadership: Chiang Kai-shek was inexperienced and demanded full control. He wouldn't give his generals freedom to make decisions.
  • Military tactics: The GMD made huge tactical blunders. They attacked on numerous occasions without securing a supply line, leaving themselves isolated. Likewise, they did not respond well to the different tactics employed by the PLA.
  • Quality of troops: The National Revolutionary Army was formed by forced conscription, and fought with limited supplies and harsh punishments. Deaths and desertions were high, which led to a reduction in the strength of the army.
  • Political: Chiang was beginning to lose the support of the people. His corruption and abuse of power had left the GMD in an unfavourable position.
  • Economic/social: Chiang created a currency crisis when he printed more money to fund the government. This impacted the middle class in particular, who were some of his key supporters. Despite attempts to solve the issues with a new currency, Chiang lost the support of the people.
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