Edwin Chadwick

Who was Edwin Chadwick?
Edwin Chadwick was a civil servant who was involved with the workhouses. He was asked by the government to report on the living conditions and health of the poor.
What was Chadwick's report called?
Chadwick's report, called 'Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population', was published in 1842.
What conclusions did Chadwick claim in his report?
Edwin Chadwick's report reached 4 main conclusions:
  • Ill-health was caused by the awful conditions in which people lived.
  • If towns were cleaner, there wouldn't be as much disease, and people would not have to take time off work. This would result in fewer people needing the workhouses, which would save ratepayers money.
  • Clean water and sewage disposal was needed for a healthy nation.
Why did Chadwick suggest people could save money by looking after the poor?
Local governments should be responsible for public health and set up boards of health. People would pay taxes to pay for this; but it would save money in the long term, as living conditions improved and fewer people used workhouses.
What did Chadwick recommend to improve health?
Chadwick made two recommendations to address poor living conditions as a cause of disease.
  • A drainage system and refuse collections should be organised.
  • A medical officer should be appointed to each area.
How did the government react to Chadwick's proposals?
Chadwick's ideas about increasing rates were not popular. It was not until there was a further cholera epidemic that the government began to act on his recommendations.
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