Al Capone
Who was Al Capone during Prohibition?
What was Al Capone's background?
Al Capone's origins were similar to those of many gangsters in the
Prohibition era.
Al Capone was based in Chicago.
He originally worked for a crime boss called Johnny Torrio, and inherited control of the gang when Torrio retired.
What were Al Capone's methods?
Capone was ruthless and aggressive, and used measures to protect his business from other gangsters who wanted to from it.
What did Al Capone do?
Capone was famous for both his success and his brutality.
On 14th February 1929, Capone's gang killed seven members of a rival gang led by Bugs Moran. This became known as the Valentine's Day Massacre.
As head of his gang, Capone earned up to $105 million a year from crime.
How was Al Capone stopped?
Al Capone was eventually arrested and sentenced to 11 years in prison in 1931.
Federal Agent Eliot Ness and his team of 'Untouchables' tried to stop Capone by his bases and seizing alcohol. However, they were unable to stop or arrest him.
Capone was eventually arrested for tax evasion of $200,000. He was imprisoned in 1931.