The Greek-Bulgarian Dispute, 1925
What was the Greek-Bulgarian dispute?
The between Greece and Bulgaria in 1925 was another test for the League.
Where did the Greek-Bulgarian dispute take place?
The took place over the border between Greece and Bulgaria.
Who was involved in the Greek-Bulgarian dispute?
In October 1925 there was an incident on the Bulgarian border and, as a result, a Greek military officer was killed. Bulgaria appealed to the League for help when it was invaded by Greece.
Why was there a dispute between Greece and Bulgaria?
The happened due to a shoot-out between Greek and Bulgarian soldiers on the Bulgarian border, resulting in the death of a Greek soldier. The Greeks invaded in retaliation.
How did the League react to the Greek-Bulgarian dispute?
There were 5 important ways the League reacted to the Greek invasion of Bulgaria.
It reacted quickly to the invasion.
It promptly called a meeting in Paris.
It reached the decision that both sides should stand down, and Greek forces should leave Bulgaria immediately.
After further investigation, the League decided it favoured Bulgaria's version of events.
Greece was forced to pay £45,000 in compensation and threatened with
What was the result of the Greek-Bulgarian dispute?
The Greeks complained the League had one rule for Italy, as during the
Corfu , and another rule for them. They felt the League had been hypocritical but nevertheless agreed.
What was significant about the dispute between Bulgaria and Greece?
The between Greece and Bulgaria was significant as a case study of the failures of the League of Nations for the following reasons:
It showed the League was inconsistent in its dealings with Greece, as Mussolini was allowed to take similar action during the incident in Corfu in 1921.
This suggested the League's reaction to was dependent on the countries involved.