Nikolai Bukharin

Who was Bukharin?
Nikolai Bukharin was a leading member of the Communist Party. He was arrested, imprisoned, and spent time with Lenin in exile. He helped the Party seize power in Moscow during the October Revolution of 1917.
When did Bukharin join the Communist Party?
Bukharin joined the Communist Party in 1906.
What was Lenin's relationship with Bukharin?
Bukharin had a very close relationship with Lenin; it was similar to a father-son relationship.
What did Lenin say about Bukharin in his Testament?
Lenin wrote that, 'Bukharin is not only the party's most valuable and greatest theoretician but he is also rightfully considered the favourite of the whole party' in his 'Testament'.
What were Bukharin's political beliefs?
Bukharin was more on the right of the Party. He supported the New Economic Policy in the 1920s, which allowed small, privately owned businesses in the USSR, and believed in slow industrialisation.
What roles did Bukharin have in the Communist Party?
Bukharin had 4 key roles in the Communist Party:
  • In 1917, he became the editor of Pravda, the Communist Party's newspaper.
  • In March 1919, he was appointed as a member of the Comintern's executive committee.
  • In June 1924, Bukharin became a full member of the Politburo.
  • In 1926, Bukharin was appointed the chairman of the Comintern.
What happened to Bukharin during the leadership struggle with Stalin?
During the leadership struggle, Stalin allied with Bukharin in 1927, to defeat the United Left Opposition of Kamenev, Trotsky and Zinoviev. Then, Stalin turned against him in 1928 to defeat him by 1929.
What happened to Bukharin in the Great Purges?
Five important events happened to Bukharin during the Great Purge of 1936 to 1938:
  • Stalin viewed Bukharin as a threat and targeted him.
  • He was arrested and put on trial during the Trial of the Twenty-One in 1938.
  • He was accused of the murder of Kirov, plotting to overthrow the government and sabotaging the Five Year Plans.
  • Bukharin used the trial to question its legitimacy, and to show the trials as fake and unjust.
  • Bukharin confessed to the crimes of which he was accused to save the lives of his wife and child. He was executed.
When did Bukharin die?
Bukharin was executed after his show trial on 15th March, 1938. He was shot.
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